Software: Blender 2.7+
Learn FreeStyle the fun way! Masterfully create geometry based, post-processed line art. Begin from the very basic to the very advance. Freestyle line art your still images, product design, arch-viz, motion graphics & motion pictures.
What's inside:
What FreeStyle really is
Learn the art of line selection
Learn the art of line styles
Mini projects with multiple object types, organic and non organic models
Troubleshooting and power tips
Advance line styles never taught this in-depth before
How to think and model for FreeStyle
Compositing with FreeStyle
Language: English
Total file size: 628 MB (uncompressed)
Video: MP4
Audio: AAC
Video resolution: 1280 x 720
Total Length: 124 minutes
Notes: Groups are not available for Freestyle in 2.8x+. Please use collection instead. Freestyle still is as powerful as ever, the foundational know-hows remain unchanged. Freestyle has a lot of customization compared to LANPR (grease pencil line art modifier) and BEER line art filter. In a lot of cases, freestyle is the preferred line art renderer. Plus all the lingo used in Freestyle is used in other line art implementations.